
Welcome To BionicB

Build Your First Drone

Sri Lanka’s first-ever STEM Education Academy for Autonomous Drone Technology.

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Exclusively for Drone Enthusiats

Program Autonomous Drones

Learn With Industry Experts in Drone Technology.

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Expand Knowledge in Robotics

Empowering Women In Engineering

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Build Your First Drone

Assemble hardware components with the knowledge of our basic courses.

Program it

Develop the intelligent autopilot system from A-Z on your own.

Make it Fly

Watch your drone fly autonomously and complete the given task.

What We Do

BionicB aims to build a local framework, where drone and robotics enthusiasts can fill their knowledge gap, by gaining hands-on exposure to design, programme, assemble and customize their own innovations.

STEM is the foundation of innovation that propels the world forward. Social and economic growth are inextricably related to the standard of STEM education, and economic stability in developing countries such as Sri Lanka, is highly dependent on such quality of education. We strive to,

  • Upgrade and introduction of a standard in Sri Lankan education system
  • Provide equal opportunity to both male and female genders to learn STEM
  • Breakdown the decipherable norms and walls surrounding STEM

Key Areas

Control Systems

Sensor Fusion

Mathematical Modeling

Localization & Mapping

Our Features

Fulfil your children's interests and passions while uplifting their robotics skills to a higher level with our astonishing features and guidance.

Professional Courses

All our courses are structured to gear up students to fulfill the upcoming industry requirements in both locally and internationally.

Expert Teachers

Stay upto date with world class technologies with the knowledge and experience of industry experts and professionals in the drone industry.

Online Learning

We facilitate remote students who are eager to grab the knowledge in the drone and robotics technology through our distance learning system

Hands on Experience

Each student get the chance to takepart in practical sessions and interactive programs with necessary equipment and drones.

Research & Development

Course contents, materials and testing drone platforms regualry get updated with the researches that we conduct at our R&D lab.

Career Guidance

Personal consulting sessions and job preparation programs from industry experts to begin your journey in robotics.

Our Teachers

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Janith Gunaratna

UAV Systems Engineer
  • B.Sc. Hons. in Electronic Engineering (University of Moratuwa)
  • Experience
  • - UAV Research Lab, University of Moratuwa.
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Tharindu Liyanage

Mobile Robotics Engineer
  • B.Sc. Hons. in Electronic Engineering (University of Moratuwa)
  • Experience
  • - Data 61, CSIRO, Australia.
    - SRQ Robotics, Sri Lanka.
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Iresh Jayawardana

Electronics Engineer
  • B.Sc. Hons. in Electronic Engineering (University of Moratuwa)
  • Experience
  • - Arimac Lanka Pvt Ltd.
    - Synopsis Lanka Pvt Ltd.

Message from Advisory Committee

The pivotal factor for ordinary level and advanced level students, in pursuing and thriving in advanced projects is the effortless access to academic, research and industry mentors. A platform where students can actively engage and gain university level education is the foundation of BionicB.